La Sna


The Syndicat National des Antiquaires (SNA) is the leading association representing dealers and galleries in the secondary art market.

Founded in 1905, this historic syndicate brings together 250 professionals from a wide range of specialties, from archaeology to modern and contemporary art.

The SNA is deeply committed to defending the profession, which is increasingly burdened by complex national and European regulations. The Syndicate actively works to safeguard the rights of art dealers and merchants.

As a recognized intermediary between its members and the legislator, the SNA serves as the spokesperson for art dealers, striving to raise awareness among public authorities about the need to preserve the vitality of this economic fabric, in which France holds an important position in the global art market.

In collaboration with other national and international organizations, such as the Conseil National du Marché de l’Art (CNMA) and the Confédération Internationale des Négociants en Œuvres d’Art (CINOA), the SNA defends the interests and future of antique dealers, gallery owners, and art dealers, at both national and international levels.

Divided into various commissions - Legal & Fiscal Commission, Cultural Commission, and Communications Commission – the SNA undertakes numerous essential missions to implement and develop these actions in defense and promotion of the profession.

Antique dealers and art galleries play a vital role as they are the irreplaceable custodians of ancestral heritage. Through their expertise and dedication, they contribute greatly to the enhancement and dissemination of artistic, historical, and technical knowledge.

By contributing their dynamism to the development of industries related to culture, art, education, and tourism, antique dealers and art galleries actively participate in the cultural and economic influence of France.
The Board of Directors
The SNA’s Board of Directors consists of 14 members, antique dealers and art merchants, including three new young dealers who joined the board on Thursday, September 12, 2024, strengthening the various commissions in place.
Consult the list of members of the Board of Directors
Our legal and fiscal advice
Exemption from deposit for temporary importation
Your SNA membership, upon request, allows you to be exempt from deposits for temporary imports.
For this, provide SNA with insurance certificates and corresponding pro-forma invoices.

One free hour of consultation per year with one of our partner lawyers and tax experts

Legal assistance :

Maître Yves Bernard Debie
specialized lawyer
Email :

Maître Marie-Odile Duparc
Francis Lefèvre law firm, tax lawyer
Email :

Maître Marine Le Bihan
specialized lawyer
Email :

Maitre Alexandre Marion
specialized lawyer
Email :

Maître Nadira Chalali
Baulac & Associates law firm, specialized in social law
Email :

Maitre Frédéric Remond
specialized real estate lawyer
Email :

Tax assistance :

Mr Xavier Bolotte - La Société Fiduciaire de Révision – accountant
Email :
Every professional associations is obliged to file its articles of – association - and the names of those responsible for its administration or management. Article R213161 of the Labour Code provides that the said documents must be deposited at the town hall of the locality where the association is established.
You can consult our articles of association here.
Join the SNA to defend your interests and your profession
Your presence is essential to preserve our antique and gallery business.

Each SNA member benefits from services such as:
  1. Legal aid
  2. Tax assistance
  3. A waiver of the customs bond for temporary imports
  4. Ongoing information on your profession, on our ongoing actions to defend it, on legislation and the situation of the art market.
  5. Representation to defend your professional interests as an antique dealer and gallery owner, with the French public authorities and internationally.
  6. The strength of a grouping of highly qualified merchants and colleagues who work to help each other thanks to a network of more than 5,000 professionals represented at the highest levels of French and European authorities.
  7. A guarantee of quality and a label of legitimacy for your customers and collectors.

Join us
Click here to download the application form and send it to us by email or by post to 4, avenue de Messine, 75008 Paris.
For more information, please contact us by phone at + 33 1 44 51 74 74.

The formalities for admission to the Syndicat National des Antiquaires are governed by article 3 of its statutes:

Les formalités d'admission au Syndicat National des Antiquaires sont régies par l'article 3 de ses statuts :

ARTICLE 3: Conditions for admission of members:
Peut être membre adhérent du Syndicat toute personne physique, négociant en objets d'art ou de collection, ameublement, tableaux anciens ou modernes, curiosités ou branches connexes, à l’exclusion des sociétés de ventes publiques et de leurs salariés.
Peut devenir membre la personne physique, qui, tant pour elle-même qu’en qualité de représentant d’une personne morale, en fera la demande, à la condition :
  1. - the person has had professional responsibilities as a principal occupation in the profession for at least five (5) years and has exercised them honorably;
  2. - that she has not been deprived of her civil rights;
  3. - that it is sponsored by two members of the Union, members for more than five years, not sitting on the Board of Directors and having no family ties with the applicant, at least one of whom is a specialist in his or her field, who must sign the application form and vouch for the applicant's good repute and professional knowledge and skills;
  4. - that she commits herself:
  5. . to respect the statutes and the rules of procedure;
  6. . to sign the text of the customs and habits of the profession established by the National Union of Antique Dealers;
  7. . to pay the annual subscription.
The Board of Directors shall decide on the admission of the new member. The Board's decision does not have to be motivated and is not subject to appeal.
Download the admission application file