Brazil Modernist

Design brésilien de collection

The Brazil Modernist Gallery by Pereira & Matis, founded by the Franco-Brazilian couple Caroliny Pereira and Vladimir Matis, is specialized in Brazilian collection design. Based between Paris and São Paulo, the gallery presents a selection of design pieces signed by the greatest creators of the Brazilian modernist movement, such as Joaquim Tenreiro, Jorge Zalszupin, Lina Bo Bardi, José Zanine Caldas, Giuseppe Scapinelli, Carlo Hauner & Martin Eisler, Sérgio Rodrigues and Celina Zilberberg. The gallery represents talented contemporary designers of the Brazilian scene, such as: Juliana Vasconcellos, Tiago Braga, André Ferri.

selected works


31 avenue des Gobelins 75013 Paris

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