Impressionist, modern and contemporary art
Brame & Lorenceau was born from the fusion of two galleries founded in Paris in 1864, one by Hector Brame, the other by Jean Lorenceau. Established in 1921, the gallery remains true to the art of the XIXth and early XXth century while overarching to the post-war period.
selected works
68, boulevard Malesherbes
75008 Paris
Looking for more information on the next edition of La Biennale ?
Find all the information on the brand new FINE ARTS PARIS & LA Biennale website
Find all the information on the brand new FINE ARTS PARIS & LA Biennale website
Looking for information about the last editions of La Biennale ?
Find out about la Biennale's History on the SNA website. An Archive Section with even more details on this historical event is coming soon
Find out about la Biennale's History on the SNA website. An Archive Section with even more details on this historical event is coming soon