Galerie Capazza

Located in mysterious Sologne, the Galerie Capazza - a historical XVIIth century heritage attached to Nançay castel - was created in 1975 by Sophie and Gérard Capazza. This place is conceived as a haven of peace, where you can discover the artworks of 90 renowned contemporary artists surrounded by nature. Ceramics, engraving, silversmithing, painting, photography, sculpture, glass; the gallery permanently houses hundreds of carefully selected artworks. For a few years now, the gallery has been taken over by Laura and Denis Capazza-Durand who, with their team, have the heart to share their passion with you.



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Find all the information on the brand new FINE ARTS PARIS & LA Biennale website
Looking for information about the last editions of La Biennale ?
Find out about la Biennale's History on the SNA website. An Archive Section with even more details on this historical event is coming soon