Members’ exhibitions

Aboriginal paintings exhibition

About twelve years ago, Céline and Fabien Mathivet began their adventure of aboriginal art, yet far from their specialty of decorative arts of the twentieth century.

Through these paintings, it is the culture, the history and the mythology that are given to see, and that the Mathivet Gallery wishes to share through the exhibition that will take place in its gallery at 6 rue Bonaparte in Paris from Friday, March 31 to Saturday, April 15.

About thirty works of arts, in particular large formats, regrouping an important french collection and paintings coming directly from Australia will be presented. The gallery has selected major artists present in museums or in major international collections.

On Saturday April 1st, the Mathivet gallery will have the pleasure to organize two conferences (on registration)  with a expert.

Abie Loy KEMARRE, « Leaf », 2015, acrylic on canvas, 150cm x 150cm

Cover image :
Yannima PIKARLI Tommy Watson, « Anumarapiti », 2015, acrylic on canvas, 102cm x 112cm
Copyright Galerie Mathivet

From 31/03/2023 to15/04/2023

6 rue Bonaparte 75006 Paris

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Find out about la Biennale's History on the SNA website. An Archive Section with even more details on this historical event is coming soon