Members’ exhibitions

"Pocket and table sundials"

The Galerie Delalande organized an exhibition on "150 pocket and table sundials" which occured in our gallery in December 2013 and January 2014 in Paris.
The objective was to create an international event by exhibiting a numerous amount of high quality pocket and table sundials, around 150 (30 being from Renaissance times), making this exhibition unique in the world and hardly done in the past.
Indeed, it has never been possible in the past to assemble such a numerous numbers of sundials of that quality, coming from various countries and makers:

a) Germany / Austria :
- Bergauer, Hager, Heinrich Muller, Karner, Lesel, Linden, Martin, Martin Willebrand, Miller, Purmann, Reinman, Rugendas, Schniep, Troschel, Tucher, Vetter, Voigtlander, Willebrand,…
b) France / Flanders
- Baradelle, Blondeau, Bloud, Butterfield, Canivet, Chapotot, Chesnon, Coignet, Cremstorff, Danfrie, Delure, Dujardin, Greban, Guibout, Langlois, Laurier, Lefebvre, Lemaire, Macquart, Norry, Noury, Thoury, Sevin, Zeelst…
c) Italy including Lusuerg, Vulpariae, etc…
d) Persian, etc…
e) English with Humphrey Cole...
During that period, we also exhibited in our gallery a collection of astrolabes and armillary spheres.
Accompanied with full-detailed 430 pages reference book English/French including colored pictures.
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