20th Century Decorative Arts , Modern Design, Modern Art, Italian Design, French Design

Robertaebasta was founded in 1967 by Roberta Tagliavini. Today, it is one of the best-known galleries in Italy and worldwide. The gallery has been increasingly acknowledged on the international scene thanks to its presence at the most-acclaimed fairs, such as Brafa and Masterpiece. Robertaebasta is an undisputed reference point for the Decorative Arts and Design of the 20th Century, where prestigious works of art and design destined to decorate interiors worldwide truly convey their historical, aesthetic and emotional meanings. The historical gallery in the heart of Brera in Milan is where Roberta Tagliavini expresses her true essence. Works of art and unique objects intersect and overlap with forms and colours. These highly sought-after pieces are selected by the ceaseless acumen of Roberta Tagliavini. All these objects elicit great emotions in Roberta, as she does not wonder whether other people could like these pieces, but she unleashes her imagination and creativity into the art of living. She is capable of seeing the beauty, the history and the uniqueness behind every single work of art and design.

selected works


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